PODCAST: You Are Your Instrument
Alexander Technique and Mental/Physical Health
Listen in as I dig into a variety of Alexander Technique topics with composer & musician Michael Hollis.
Make no mistake, this talk is for EVERYONE; not just musicians and singers.
You are your instrument.
Topics covered
who was F.M. Alexander and how did his Technique take off?
what the Alexander Technique is & what it is not.
how I found AT, why I trained to be a teacher, & why I stayed.
who usually comes to learn Alexander Technique.
why Alexander work can be used as a compliment to talk-therapy (especially around T(t)rauma).
Pandemic recovery, working on Zoom, vision vs. Awareness of the whole self.
Want to learn more?
Head on over to my Alexander Technique Resource Library for videos & articles or go back to browse the Blog.